Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

In order that your child will fully benefit from our environment, we have laid down certain policies and conditions. All parents/guardians are advised to read the policies and the terms and conditions governing the admission to the “School” and the child’s continued enrolment as a student of the School, as set out below.

1. Definitions

  • Parent: Either parent of the child or legal guardian and the provisions herein shall be binding on them jointly and severally.
  • School: Selangor FC Soccer Schools program with abbreviation of SFC-SS that will be used in this document. The program SFC-SS is managed & executed by Red Giants FC Sdn. Bhd. in partnership with school partners and independent partners.
  • Student/Child: Refers to the child named on the Application for Admission Form.
  • Registration Form: The registration form filled online for enrolment to SFC-SS program at a partner school.
  • Partner School: A school selected by SFC-SS to be the location of weekly training for your child.

2. Registration into the SFC-SS program

  • A Parent intending to register his/her child to the School, must submit the Registration by filling up the online Registration Form (the “Registration Form”), duly and accurately completed and successfully make payment. False, inaccurate, or misleading information could lead to rejection of the application of registration to the School. The parent must always ensure to update the online form of the School of any changes to such information.
  • A Registration Fee (please refer to the fee schedule, the “Registration Fees”) is payable in full of each submission of the Registration Form. The Registration Fee shall be payable by online payment via the online system at the time of submission of the registration Form.
  • For the first month, the Registration Fee & One month training amount will be collected together as a lump sum.
  • The Registration Fee covers an application for registration to the School for the month or an annual lump sum payment for the year. The Application Fee is also non-transferable and non-refundable regardless of whether the parent of the child changes their mind of not registering (enrolling) their child after making the payment to the School.

3. Fees, Payment and Refund Policies

  • Fees for subsequent months are payable in advance, to be paid on or before the commencement of each month. The School reserves the right not to allow the Student to attend class until all outstanding fees have been paid. For avoidance of doubt, “outstanding payment” would likely refer to the outstanding [unpaid] balance. All course fees are payable in advance and are non-refundable.
  • The Parent undertakes to pay or arrange payment of all fees by the due date. If the Parent fails to pay any payment due and payable, a Student may be excluded from the School at any time when fees are unpaid and will be deemed withdrawn without notice twenty-eight (28) days after exclusion. The School also reserves the right to withhold all reports, certificates and school records of the child including restrict parent and/or student access to the school’s information systems.
  • There will be strictly no refund policy by the school for any payments made by parents for the registration or monthly fees. Before making payment parents will have to ensure training location details, fee amount details and the decision to join the program has been decided and cannot be tracked back after the payment has been made.

4. Discipline, Suspension and Termination

  • The School reserves the right to suspend or expel a Student in a case of misconduct or a serious breach of discipline, particularly if this has a detrimental effect (in the opinion of the School) on the other students in the School.
  • The School may require, at any time the withdrawal of a Student from the School for any reason at the discretion of the program. Reasons may include but not limited to matters related to the Student’s inability to participate in or benefit fully from the School’s curriculum or if there is a breach by the Parent or the Student of any matters or things not mentioned herein. The School’s decision is final.
  • Students must attend all classes regularly, participate in all relevant school or friendly matches, tournaments, league activities applicable to the Student unless excused on medical grounds or other compelling cogent reason. Failure to attend classes, shall entitle the School to take such actions as may be required, including without limitation, requiring the Student to be withdrawn from the School.

5. Medical

In the event of the Student having a contagious or infectious disease or illness or in the event of an outbreak of a contagious or infectious disease or illness at the School regardless whether the Student is so infected or otherwise, the program may at his discretion prohibit the Student from attending at the School for such period as the program deems necessary. The Parent or Student shall have no claim against the School arising from any such safety action taken by the program.

6. Emergency & Liability

In case of medical emergency, where Parent cannot be contacted to give consent, the Parent hereby agrees and consents to authorise the Selangor FC Soccer Schools to arrange for the medical examination of the Student by a registered doctor or send the Student to a clinic/medical centre. Parent agrees to indemnify the School fully for all expenses thereby incurred on such account. The Parent agrees that the School shall not be liable for any death, personal injury or any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever which the Student may sustain at any time either within the School program & the School Partner premises authorised field trip or elsewhere, which is not attributable to the negligence of the School, its coaches, and employees.

7. Photographs & Images

The School may and the Parent hereby gives consent to the School to take such photographs, images, recordings, works or derivative works including examination results of the child and to use, free of charge, such photographs, images, recordings, works or derivative works including examination results in any media and for whatever purpose as the School shall deem fit, including without limitation for any promotional materials within the Red Giants FC Sdn. Bhd., including website of the School and other institutions, department, initiatives within Red Giants FC Sdn. Bhd. Should you wish to opt-out of this, please contact us immediately in writing to soccerschools@selangorfc.com with email Titled Opt-Out clause 8.1 T&C SFC-SS.

8. General

  • Changes at the School: A successful school must initiate and respond to change. The acceptance of a place by the Parent is given on the basis that, in the interest of the School as a whole, reasonable changes may be made from time to time.
  • The School shall be entitled at any time to amend, add, or delete any terms and conditions in respect of the admission of the child, the child’s continued enrolment at the School or any matters related thereto by way of letter sent by ordinary post or email or handed over to the child.
  • The School may at any time review, amend or make such rules and regulations relating to the conduct of students in the School and all such matters that the child and/or Parent may be required to do or comply with as a Student of the School. A breach of any such rules and regulations in force, whether recently enforced, reviewed, or amended shall be deemed to be breach of the terms and conditions herein.
  • Third Party Excluded: Only the School and the Parent are parties to this contract. Subject to notification in writing to the School any communication from the School to the Parent shall be deemed to be received by the Parent if sent to the address or email address shown in the Registration Form.
  • Legal Contract: The offer of a place and its acceptance by the Parent gives rise to a legally binding contract on the terms and conditions in this document.
  • Force Majeure: If by reason of any event of force majeure (which shall include fire, flood, storm, tempest, accident, act of God, war, riot, strike, lockout, labour dispute, industrial action, acts of terrorism, hostilities, shortage of materials or any other event beyond the control of the School) the School is unable to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement, the School shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Parent and shall be entitled, at its absolute discretion, by notice to the Parent to terminate the agreement or any part thereof or postpone the performance of its obligations.
  • Data Protection: I, the Parent and on behalf of the Student, authorise the School to process personal information including financial and sensitive personal information as is deemed necessary for the legitimate purposes of the School within Red Giants FC Sdn. Bhd.. I understand that the School holds information about my child including but not limited to exam results, forecast results, parent contact, financial information, and details of medical conditions. I understand that the School processes information about my child to safeguard and promote the welfare of my child, promote the objects and interests of the School and Red Giants FC Sdn. Bhd. facilitate the efficient operation of the School and ensure that all relevant legal obligations of the School are complied with.
  • Force Majeure: If by reason of Force Majeure (hereafter defined) the School is unable to perform its obligations, either in full or part, then upon written notice to the parents as soon as reasonably practicable after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, the School shall not be liable and shall be released from any obligations to the extent to which they are affected by the circumstances of Force Majeure and for the period during which those circumstances exist. In such a situation, the School may continue by providing online learning to students, wherever possible and practicable to do so without any liability therefore.
  • Force Majeure’ herein includes any of the following events: war, invasion, terrorism, sabotage or arson; act, order or regulation of Government; earthquakes, fire, lightning, storms, floods or any other occurrence caused by the operation of the forces of nature; haze or very unhealthy pollution; prolonged electrical outage; strikes, lockouts, labour disputes; pandemic, epidemic or outbreak of any infectious disease; compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction or any other event similar to any of the foregoing or any other event beyond the control of the School.

9. Eligibility

SFC-SS are open to boys and girls between the ages of 7 (Primary 1) and 17 (Secondary 5th Form). The participant must be at least 6 years of age or no older than 17 years of age on the last day of the SFC-SS that they are attending

10. Medical Consent

SFC-SS will not permit any player to participate in the program without a medical consent form completed by their parent(s)/guardian(s). By signing up to the program you give your permission to allow your child to be given medical treatment either by way of first aid by a suitably qualified person or by a doctor. You also consent to your child being taken to a doctor or hospital in case of emergency. SFC-SS reserves the right to refuse an applicant based on the information provided in the medical consent form. If there is any change to the medical information you provided on your application form you must inform us immediately.


School is staffed by accredited Coaches who will implement the highest safety measures. School will not be held responsible for damages, injuries, or loss of possessions.


In no event will the school, Its affiliates or their licensors, service providers, employees, agents, coaches, officers or directors be liable for damages of any kind, under any legal theory, arising out of or in connection with your use, or inability to use, the website, our services on or offline, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, including but not limited to, personal injury, pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of business or anticipated savings, loss of use, loss of goodwill, loss of data, breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable. The preceding does not affect any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law


You agree to indemnify, protect and hold harmless to SFC-SS, our subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, Coaches, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns, and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms of Use or the documents they incorporate by reference or your infringement of any law or the rights of a third-party


Schools have the right to revise and amend these terms and conditions from time to time including, without limitation, to reflect changes in market conditions affecting our business, changes in technology, changes in payment methods, changes in relevant laws, and regulatory requirements, and changes in our system’s capabilities.

By registering you hereby agree to the above Terms & Conditions.